June 15
Community volunteers and City staff will unite to clean up designated streets. Activities may include but not limited to, flower and tree planting, collecting litter, painting and other involvement to beautify the City of Bridgeport.
Stay Tuned
This is just the beginning! The City of Bridgeport will be rolling out many more programs to help clean up our city and better the communities we live in. This is our city!
City Initiatives
The city is doing its part in pickin’ it up. We’ve been rolling out everything we’ve got—our street cleaners, demolition crews, and MadVacs in full force! Give them a wave in your neighborhood. We continue to install new trash receptacles throughout the city to make it convenient for residents to help keep it clean. The City of Bridgeport has several components to support the community-wide initiatives to keep our city clean and eliminate blight. One of these initiatives includes the removal of dilapidated buildings around the city to make way for future developments. Along with the City’s War on Blight/Illegal dumping, Bridgeport also promotes the “Adopt a Trash Can program.”
Neighborhood Clean Ups
We will be organizing a series of neighborhood clean ups around the city to engage residents and the community for their help. Meet your neighbors and make new friends, all while doing your part for our city. Follow this page for updates as to when the next event is in your neighborhood.
Education & Enforcement
We’re not just cleaning up our streets—we’re also rolling out an education and awareness campaign to help our residents understand the laws and ordinances in our city regarding litter, blight and trash. We’re starting in schools to help our children understand the importance of a clean and green city.
Enforcement Details:
Please be sure to follow Alternate Side of the Street Parking ordinance to allow street sweepers and mad vacs to clean our streets. Warning and Violation tickets will be issued to those who do not comply with “Alternate Side of the Street Parking for Street Cleaning” while in effect. Violations are subject to a $40 fine.
Illegal Dumping: State regulations permit law enforcement agencies to seize assets and property used to commit crimes, including illegal dumping. Those caught unlawfully disposing of garbage and other material are subject to a $200 fine pursuant to city ordinance and can be charged with a misdemeanor.